In the days of yore…

Eugene C. Che 

There are many ways of expressing the past in the English Language. You may be familiar with expressions like “In the past…,” “in yesteryears…,” “some time ago…,” “once upon a time…,” and many others. But how about we learn one new way of expressing the past?

In today’s blog post, we are going to learn the expression “in the days of yore,” and how it can be used to express events that took place some far time ago.

Vehicles in the days of yore looked something like this

On your marks!

“In the days” of yore (usually also “…of yore”) is an expression in the English Language that is used to express something that happened in the far past.

Life in the days of yore

Let’s see some examples in a sentence, culled from

  • In the days of yore, internet did not exist.
  • My grandmother often talks about her life of yore as a small girl.
  • As a retiring teacher, I often recall the days of yore when a chalkboard was the main method of displaying lessons.
  • The writer’s novel transported us into the time of yore when dinosaurs ran freely on the planet.


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All images are from Google.



5 thoughts on “In the days of yore…

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  1. Thank you so much Eugene! I love learning new words. There’s just something refreshing about it, can’t quite describe it. Cheers!


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